
Rebuilding the Ecommerce Value Chain

Jackson Fernandez, Head of Ecommerce, PUMA Group [ETR: PUM]

Retail Liability In 140 Characters Or Less: Foreseeability In The Social Media Age

Nicholas P. Resetar, Associate Attorney, Roetzel & Andress

The Key to the 360-Degree Customer View: Buyer Personas

Greg Petro, President and CEO, First Insight

Reinventing Retail with Technology

Avi Eyal, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Entree Capital

Reinventing Retail with Technology

We are seeing fulfillment become more accepted with delivery to the home, collecting online orders in store and so forth.

The Four Current Traits and the Future of Retail

Dr. Mark Chrystal, Chief Analytics Officer at rue21 & Co-Founder, MachineCore, Inc.

The Four Current Traits and the Future of Retail

AI is going to grow up rapidly; Moore’s law may apply for a while, but its development will almost certainly outpace anything we have seen before.

The Phygital Frontier

Lockie Andrews, CIO/CDO, UNTUCKit

The retail industry has been slow to unite physical and digital (“phygital”) channels. COVID-19 accelerated digital and eCommerce adoption by at least ten years, causing supply

Your Biggest Omnichnannel Challenge Might Not be Your Technology

Kyu Cho, VP-Consulting Services, Nisum

Your Biggest Omnichnannel Challenge Might Not be Your Technology

Retailers know that omnichannel is the way of the future. Having a digital presence is table stakes at this point, with mobile and social commerce not far behind.

Securing the Future of Retail Management

Joe Bobko, Vice President of Transportation, Boxed

Securing the Future of Retail Management

Fortunately, we are in a stage where robotics and automation, irrespective of industries, are more a help in complementing the existing labor.

The 360-Degree View Must Be Definitive

Lauren Freedman, SVP Digital Strategy/Chief Merchant, Astound Commerce

The 360-Degree View Must Be Definitive

The competitive landscape is challenging and knowing one’s customer may be more important than ever before.

Transforming Our Customer Experience through an Omni-channel Lens

Gary Aliff, Senior Director, Salesforce Practice and Delivery Lead, Gap Inc. [NYSE:GPS]

Transforming Our Customer Experience through an Omni-channel Lens

Data driven, product focused, customer obsessed. This is what we at Gap Inc. aspire, in providing customer service in our contact centers.

The Boundaries have Vanished

Michael Adams, VP of IT, MarineMax

The Boundaries have Vanished

A new world order has slowly evolved, leaving many corporate technology teams unprepared to adapt to the critical new responsibilities they manage.

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Matan Holander, VP Business Development

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has evolved at multiple levels. Evidently, understanding the unique purchasing preferences of the modern day buyers have become increasingly critical to the long-term growth of B2B merchants.

Streamlining Retail Business with Technology at the Behest

Paul Karras, CIO, Wilton Brands

Streamlining Retail Business with Technology at the Behest

Fundamentally CIOs role is to drive internal and external innovation through a process of influence in order to affect change and transformation.

Accounting for Online Payment Security as a Practice

Vennard Wright, CIO, WSSC (Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission)

Accounting for PCI requirements necessitates the need for significant planning up front, to develop and implement payment processing methods for customers and other entities.

Strategical Development of Data and Analytics in Retail

Vishaal Melwani, CEO, Combatant Gentlemen

Strategical Development of Data and Analytics in Retail

While data and analytics are two of the biggest factors that contribute to the success of retail, they’re also very easy to misinterpret.

Role of Augmented Reality in Retail

Rekha (Sasirekha) Ramesh, SVP, Global Head of IT & Digital Strategy, Daymon Worldwide

Role of Augmented Reality in Retail

The success of Pokémon GO brought Augmented Reality to the center stage and provided retailers a platform to reach its consumers in many creative ways.

Natural Intelligence and Artificial Expectations

Gael DE Talhouet, Vice President Brand Building, Essity GMBH

Natural Intelligence and Artificial Expectations

Contrarily to most legacy IT solutions and platforms, AI is not a tech tool that runs in the background. It is not an enabler that business and customer-facing people can ignore.

3 Trends on Every CIO's Holiday Wish List

Warren Perlman, CIO, Ceridian

3 Trends on Every CIO's Holiday Wish List

The role of the CIO is expanding and becoming more customer-facing, as the position plays a larger function in client acquisition and relations.

Managing Internet of Things Risk in the Retail Sector

Christian Beckner, Senior Director, Retail Technology, National Retail Federation

Managing Internet of Things Risk in the Retail Sector

Risk management practices will allow companies to remain nimble in adopting new IoT technologies that could transform their operations and impact their business performance positively.